My secret to grounding: A Body Scan Meditation

A few years ago, I discovered a practice that would change my life.

It’s called a body scan meditation. In this practice, you take time to slow down, pay attention to parts of the body, and allow yourself to truly notice the body’s wisdom.

For so many years of my life, I had been running so fast and so hard and was ignoring the voice of my body. In my early 30s, my body began to speak up in other ways. I developed migraines, panic attacks, and digestive issues. I was so out of touch with what my body was trying to say to me that it began to get loud, saying pay attention.

Whatever we don’t work out intentionally will come out sideways, and this was the case with my body. I was too busy and too fast and my body was asking for attention.

So many of us are out of tune with the voice of the body. We are moving so fast that there is no space to actually listen. A body scan meditation is a quick and simple practice that will drop you into your body, drop you into the present, and will immediately ground you.

This practice of listening is highly affective at tuning your ear to truly listen to the wisdom inside of you. Plus meditation is loaded with all kinds of body benefits including reduced blood pressure, more empathy, strengthened immunity, and so much more.

I’ve recorded a COMPLETELY free body scan meditation for you to do at home on your own time. All you need is about 10 minutes and a comfortable place to sit or lie down!

You can access it HERE on my homepage.

Be sure to let me know what you think on Instagram @bykaraelise




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