Clarity to invite love in.

I recently was working with a client on her dating life. We were working on why she keeps staying in a relationship even though she knows he’s not a great fit for her long term.

This client really wants to get married and meet her soulmate, but is staying in a relationship that she doesn’t believe will end in marriage.

I’ve noticed this is quite common. It feels safer to stay in something if I’m afraid that what I TRULY want won’t find me.

It’s easier to fill up on a quick candy bar, instead of waiting for that gourmet meal that I really want.

The problem is that if I hold onto what’s not for me, my hands aren’t open to receive the thing I really desire.

My client was disqualifying herself from what she wants, because she’s afraid. And as we worked through the actual fear, the decision to not stay began to become remarkably clear.

Have you ever done that?? Have you ever held onto the wrong thing out of fear? Or filled up on something when you actually wanted something totally different? I know I have. 

The very love you’re longing for could be waiting for you and maybe all you have to do is let go.

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