What Does It Mean To “Listen To The Body”?

Last week I was watching Instagram stories and stumbled on a girl who was bashing “listening to the body.” She was asserting that listening to the body is simply an excuse to eat whatever you want and be as lazy as you want.

As I watched her go on and on, I had a deep feeling of sadness and reaction in my gut. That is not listening to the body, I thought. It got me thinking though, what does it actually mean when we say, Listen to your body?

I wanted to make a quick video for you with three practical tools to discern if you’re truly listening to your body. I believe wholeheartedly that when we connect and listen to the body, we tap into a deep intuition that is available to each one of us.

Watch below and let me know your thoughts!

Comment below and let me know what’s been helpful in listening to your body!



Clarity to invite love in.


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